G-SCETIC is a place where artists/producers/djs from Greece share their songs and ideas. All genres available. Contact us if you want a song uploaded at http://www.facebook.com/GScetic
DarkRed&aVodka is a common yard, where independent artists meet,
perform and create music. Actually, an experiment in progress of
creative coexistence of different types and origins of music...
Christos Fourkis was born on the 12th of January 1981 in Aigio, Greece.
Music has always been a part of his life since childhood.
His passion and appreciation for music, lead Christos into the world of
Dj’ing introducing new and diverse musical innovations to his crowd. He
started Dj’ing in the early period of 1997 performing in local clubs.
His DJ appearances have been loved and respected nationally and now
internationally by performing on many well-known Internet radio
The year of 1998 Christos Fourkis entered the
world of producing electronic music. He purchased his first personal
computer and analogue hardware to start composing his own electronic
music. Professionally, Christos has been producing for 4 years and his
first productions received a very good response from very well known and
established artists. Currently, he has started his first batch of
remixes and also looking for other artists to work with and share his
passion for music.
Self-taught, Christos Fourkis has always followed his heart towards his
goals to create genuine, impassioned music. Throughout the years of
practicing and exploration, he has refined his sound engineering as well
as his mastering sound techniques.
His dream and ambition is to express his feelings and make people understand his music when he is on the Decks.
Γεννημένος το 1977 ο Θοδωρής Τριανταφύλλου απο την πλήρως εξοπλισμένη με
ραδιοφωνάκι κούνια του δέχτηκε τα μουσικά ερεθίσματα της δεκαετίας ‘70,
άκουσε μουσικές της δεκαετίας του ‘80 απο τις κασσέτες της οικογένειας
και των φίλων του, μεγάλωσε παρακολουθώντας βιντεοκλίπ στο MTV, αγοράσε
δίσκους την δεκαετία του ‘90 όπου και ξεκίνησε να τους παίζει σε τοπικο
ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό της Αθήνας και σε διαφορα πάρτυ και club την εποχή της έξαρσης της Rave σκηνής .
Την ίδια δεκαετία ήρθαν τα cd και άρχισαν να αντικαθιστούν τα βυνίλια
απο τα περισσότερα δισκάδικα όπου άρχισε επίσης να αγοραζει.
Μέσα απο τον πρώτο του υπολογιστή έμαθε να γράφει μουσική και να κάνει τις πρώτες τυπικές παραγωγές.
Στο τέλος της δεκαετίας του ’90 κυκλοφόρησε το πρώτο του single, έγραψε
ένα album και το διεθεσε χωρίς αντιτιμο για download απο το web site
που είχε στήσει με ονομα metadubsoundesign.com (MDSD). Την δεκαετία των
00΄s εξελίχθηκαν τα mp3 σε παγκόσμιο μουσικό format, ο τρόπος διανομής
της μουσικής άλλαξε και η ευχέρια να κυκλοφορήσει και να διανεμηθεί η
μουσική ήταν μεγάλη αλλά και χαοτική.
Κάτω απο το όνομα Novox ο
Θοδωρής παρεα με τον Lostra στις αρχές των 00’s κυκλοφόρησε 5 δίσκους
EP όπως και αρκετα remix. Μέσα στην δεκαετία αυτή συνέχισε σόλο καριέρα
με το όνομα του αλλά και σε συνεργασία με τον συνέταιρο του στην
δισκογραφική Rhythmetic records CJ Jeff σε διάφορες δισκογραφικές
εταιριες. Η παγκόσμα διανομή και οι πολυ καλές πωλήσεις έφεραν κριτικές
και support απο τα μεγαλύτερα ονόματα της club σκηνής (James Zabiela,
Richie Hawtin, Groove Armada,Tiefswartz, Dennis Ferrer, Jerome Sydenham,
Josh Wink και πάρα πολλούς άλλους).
Ο Θοδωρής Τριανταφύλλου
γράφει και παράγει ότι τον εκφράζει χωρίς παροπίδες για μουσικά είδη και
format. Αγαπάει τον clubήχο και το clubbing αλλά έχει παίξει σχεδόν όλα
τα μουσικά είδη (HipHop, Soul, Funk, R’n’B, Drum’N’Bass, Breaks,
Techno,House E.t.c…), έχει αρκετές επιρροές απο ολα αυτα και πιστεύει
πως "η ποιότητα, ο χαρακτήρας και η διάθεση του μουσικού συνόλου είναι
αυτό που κάνει την διαφορά και όχι το είδος της μουσικής που πάιζεις" με
αυτό το σκεπτικό θέλει να δημιουργεί ατμόσφαιρα και να διασκεδάζει τον
ακροατή σε όποιοδήποτε μέρος και αν βρίσκεται.
Όλα αυτα τα
χρόνια έχει συνεργαστεί με τα περισσότερα Club, Events και Festival της
Αθήνας, της επαρχίας αλλά και της Ευρώπης. (Dybbuk, Watergate, Cavo
Paradiso, Synch, Animal, Mikro, F Beach, Salt ‘N Pepper, Monroe, Αλσος,
Berlin και πολλά άλλα...)
Βρίσκεται ανεmειγμένος σε πολλα
project (Events, Parties, Bookings, Music Production κ.λ.π.) όπου
μπορεί να κινείται άνετα μεταξυ αυτών. Οι μουσικές του βρίσκουν
υποστήριξη απο μεγάλα ονόματα της παγκόσμιας club σκηνής και αποδοχής
απο πολλούς λάτρεις της μουσικής βιομηχανίας. Συνεχίζει να είναι παρών
στις μουσικές εξελίξεις και προσπαθεί πάντα να είναι αυθεντικός σε αυτό
που κάνει και πιστός στα συναισθήματα του προς την μουσική που παράγει.
Οι τελευταίοι μήνες τον βρίσκουν να συνεργάζεται με τον CJ Jeff όπου
μοιράζονται και την δισκογραφική Rhythmetic και τον Monsieur M, όπου
τρέχουν το Project “Modernism”, αλλά και το design / music production
Studio “Glory Hill”.
On September 17th 2012, Cayetano returns with his crowning achievement,
the album he is proudest of, ‘’Once Sometime”, on Klik Records’ new
sub-label Pale Sound Records.
As James Andrew said:
"Cayetano seems to walk in a road made for him, by him. A unique, colorful road. And he walks really nice".
Giorgos "Cayetano" Bratanis
Cayetano - live electronics
Dj Booker - turntables
Cayetano - sampling, keyboards, melodica, voice
Dj Booker - turntables
Georges Perin - vocals
Alex Archontis - drums
Yannis Bellos - bass
Tasos Peltekis - guitar
Alex Papoulidis - guitar
Dimitris Tselios - saxophone, flute
Themistoklis Dimitrakopoulos - sound engineer
Στέρεο Νόβα (also known as Stereo Nova, σΝ) was a Greek band formed in 1990 by Κωνσταντίνος Βήτα, Μιχάλης Δέλτα (Mikael Delta), and Αντώνης Πι.
They first began working together under the name Bobby Blast in 1986, writing instrumental, acid influenced electronic music. In about 1990 Κωνσταντίνος Βήτα
began writing some lyrics, and the group added them to their songs.
They changed their name to Στέρεο Νόβα, and released their first,
self-titled album in 1992.
Their music was based on electronic forms, influenced mostly by
trip-hop, house, ambient, and techno. The lyrics were usually not sung,
being closer to being spoken word or rap.
They released six albums: Stereo Nova,
Discolata, Asyrmatos Kosmos, and the drone compilation, Telson, Vitamina
Tek, and several smaller releases, before their end as a group in 1997. Αντώνης Πι left the group in 1996. Κωνσταντίνος Βήτα and Μιχάλης Δέλτα continued for one more year.
Dropeners, are an alternative-rock band based in Ferrara, Italy. The
band consists of founding members Vasilis Tsavdaridis (voice, guitar,
piano, synth) and Francesco Corso (drums) and also Francesco Mari
(guitar) and Enrico Scavo (bass), who joined the band in late 2011 after
the departure of Daniele Piovan (guitar) and Davide Piovan (bass). They
released their debut album "Drops Of Memories" on
May 2009 which was recorded and produced by the band itself and was
well received by music critics. In the summer of 2009 Dropeners played
at Rock On Loredan, a festival located in north-Italy and also at
Postbloo Festival in Athens (Greece), a music festival held on the
beach. On 25 January 2010, their song "182", was broadcasted for the
first time on Best Radio 92.6, one of the most popular radio in Athens,
thanks to the radio producer Dimitris Papaspyropoulos. From January 16th
to February 10th of 2010 there was a photo exhibit by Luca Maruffa, at
the Hush Gallery in Istanbul (Turchey) and Dropeners’s music was it’s
soundtrack. In May 2010 they played live on "Mad TV" of Athens (Greece)
and they gave a concert at Six d.o.g.s. , a club of the greek capital.
Also during the same month, Dropeners’s “182” became part of Dimitris
Papaspyropoulos’s digital compilation “Hope trails”. On April they
played live, giving also an interview on Rome’s Radio Inblu, one of
their song was broadcasted on the national radio program “Melisland” and
on the 4th of May 2010 they played an acoustic session on Radio Sound
in Ferrara. On 29 November 2010 Dropeners released "Silent sound EP",
which was also recorded and produced by themelves. On 20th of December
the tenth compilation of Dimitris Papaspyropoulos called "Long missed
heroes" (The Spicy Effect record label) was released,including among
others [Tim Buckley, The National, Michael Hutchence ft. Bono (U2)]
Dropeners’s song "Beautiful mistake" (taken from "Silent sound EP). Also
on February 2011 they gave their song "Beautiful mistake" to the
theatrical performance "Middle" that took place at the city of Salonica
in Greece. Finally it’s important to underline the fact that both
Dropeners’s cds are available for free downloading on the internet.FREE DOWNLOAD "Drops of memories" 2009: http://www.mediafire.com/?jzzamjzjgu5 "Silent sound (EP)" 2010: http://www.mediafire.com/?0tm93voidnw0wd4
During their rehearsal era in the late 1980s, the band began as grindcore
and released various demos and splits with other bands from the Athens
area. The group would later alter their sound with influence from proto-black metal bands like Celtic Frost and Venom, and in the process became one of the genre's instigators. Their 5 song demo, Satanas Tedeum, would show a grindcore/black metal crossover, followed by their career-breaking EP, Passage to Arcturo, in 1991.
One of band's first major appearances was on the 1993 "Fuck Christ Tour" consisting of Immortal and Blasphemy. During this concert, some audience members had engaged in cutting and self mutilation that resulted in hospitalization.Before signing to Unisound, Mayhem's Øystein Aarseth had expressed interest in distributing the band through his "Deathlike Silence Productions" label,but due to Aarseth's murder the same year, nothing materialized. The band would sign to Century Media in 1996 and remain on their roster for 10 years before joining Season of Mist.
Rotting Christ have played in many countries outside their native Greece, including both Americas, Greater Europe, Russia, the United Kingdom, Malta and the Middle East. Several heavy metal festivals around the world have hosted the band, including the 2003 Wacken Open Air in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Past tourmates have included My Dying Bride, Tristania, Tiamat, Vintersorg, Finntroll, Agathodaimon, Old Man's Child, Malevolent Creation, Anorexia Nervosa, Vader, Krisiun, Deicide, Behemoth, Melechesh and Nile, among many others.
As of 2012, Rotting Christ have been around 25 years, one of the longest running bands within the black metal
genre. In celebration of the band's longevity, the 2 DVD + 2 CD
compilation, "Non Serviam: A 20 Year Apocryphal Story," shot in Athens
on December 8, 2007, was released worldwide February 23, 2009. Aealo, the band's tenth studio album, was released on February 15, 2010 for Europe and February 23, 2010 for the USA.
Rotting Christ is currently working on a new album, which is due for release in early 2013.
Eventless Plot is a trio from Thessaloniki, Greece. They
borrow elements from di fferent genres and aesthetics to
build their own hybrid of sound. From free impro and
noise to new electronica, electroacoustic composition
and jazz, their music remains always unconventional and
contemporary. They are experimenting with a variety of
instruments, analog sources, eld recordings and
Max/Msp patches. Active from 2002 in the experimental
scene, they participated in numerous festivals such as
“Synch festival” (Athens, June 2008) and shared the stage
with many artists like Giuseppe Ielasi, Angel, Vladislav
Delay and more. They have several releases in their
archive including the full album 'ikon' (Granny records
2009). Eventless Plot are also working on designing
sound and composing for art installations and lm. In
November 2008 after a request of Thessaloniki’s International
Film Festival along with Granny records label
mates Good Luck Mr. Gorsky they composed and introduced a soundtrack for Victor Sjostrom' s “Phantom Carriage”. Currently e.
plot's members are travelling between Thessaloniki and the Hague (Netherlands), extending their musical experience by
researching on electronic music and participating in many electroacoustic and free improvisation projects (including workshops
with Richard Barrett, Peter Evans, Evan Parker, Sarah Nicolls among others) with obvious in uence on the development of their
new sound.http://www.eventlessplot.com
Με μουσικό alter ego το project Φανταστικοί Ήχοι που απέσπασε
ενθουσιώδεις κριτικές με την εμφάνισή του στο φετινό Synch, ο
Kitephonics δημιουργεί πολύχρωμα ηχητικά υφαντά, πάντα με
electronica/ambient βάση. Ως επί το πλείστον μελωδική και εσωτερική, η
μουσική του διαφεύγει κατηγοριοποίησης αφού από τη μία μπορεί να
δημιουργεί συναισθηματική techno με 4/4 beat επάνω σε αιθέριες μελωδίες
και από την άλλη να σαμπλάρει τη φωνή της Ελευθερίας Αρβανιτάκη για να
την εναποθέσει σε post-rock ατμόσφαιρες. Κομμάτια του έχουν
συμπεριληφθεί στη συλλογή City Campers, και στην forthcoming Radio
Lunatica της VIM Records.
Universe217 is a greek band with elements of doom experimental and live
improvisations!Check our latest effort in our reverbnation profile,which
is downloadable!!!
Cinekod were formed on 2006 as musical quartet by Emil (guitars), Chris (bass), Peter (drums) and john (vocals).
Under this form they recorded their first demo and after a while they separated due to disagreements.
Chris and Emil kept on playing and writing music. While searching for
drummer, in autumn of 2007, they met Seraphim and as a musical trio,
without vocals anymore, they recorded new de
mo and at the same time they started their live performances.
On February of 2008 they started recording their first official music
work and they continued their appearances in different places in Athens,
shaping their style that belongs to the wider field of post rock and
The outcome of their recordings is distributed at
the end of October by Guillotine Sound and will be presented at Kinky
Kong on October the 31th.
On February 2010, they started
recording songs for the next album. This time they decide to make a
little more personal album so they took care for all album production.
After many many work the record finally finished on October 2010. 9
tracks and 3 personal interludes between post rock / post punk /
shoegaze & darkwave sounds. The second album called Departed and was
realesed on November 2010 by CNK productions. http://cinekod.com/
Michael Sionas (bass, double bass, voices), Dimitris Tasoudis (drums),
Theodore Papadimitriou (cello), and cmyk (electric guitar) composed,
arranged and performed the music for some short films.
The films that carry the sounds of the Prefabricated Quartet are:
-Tempest (2003)
- Protection (2005)
-Mines (2006), directed by Christos Nikoleris
-The Cat (2005)
-Single String of Pearls (2006)
directed by Vassilis D.Kehagias
- In Music (2006), directed by Aris Kotronis
- Side the Sail(2007)
The Prefabricated Quartet’s album “Side the Sail” contains parts of the
music that has been used in the soundtracks of some short films, and
some songs inspired by the same musical components.
Side the Sail was released by RunDevilRun records in January 2007 in a handmade carton package
Three persons in a combination of different musical styles and
influences giving shape to songs that speak of love,hate, life, death,
the absolute truth and other lies... Alternative rock, post blues, post
punk, post container.
Etten (aka Eleni Tzavara) is a greek singer - songwriter.
released her debut solo album In November 2009. It was entitled “I know
you’re behind me but I’m not scared”. The record was produced by Coti
K. and Mikael Delta and received excellent reviews.It was listed amongst
the best albums of 2009. The cover of the album (made by greek artist
H.O.P.E. and Etten) won an EVGE Award (National Awards for Graphics and Illustration) in the category “Cover Illustration” in April 2010.
She collaborated with greek alternative band “Film” for 2 albums ( “No luggage” and “Angel b”).
In 2009 she collaborated with one of the most important greek artists
of electronic music, Lena Platonos. She sings “Red Rosy” a new track of
Lena Platonos and she has also made a series of live appearances by her
side at “Kyttaro” club.
Etten also appeared as a singer and lyricist on Mikael Delta's album “Tech me away”.
Etten has written music for various art exhibitions, dance-theatre performances and she has also participated in theatre plays.
Her compositions are based on electronic, electric and acoustic
elements. The final outcome is a combination of unique melodies,
synthetic rhythms and multi-layered vocal lines. http://www.etten.gr
A Victim Of Society is a lo-fi project which formed in 2011 in Athens,
Greece. Consists of V.Makris(vocals, guitar) and F.Ntouskas (guitar).
The band’s sound has been described as “strangely upbeat, placed
somewhere close to 50s rock’n’roll heyday with a few subtle cold wave
influences with distant, rasping vocals”. They have released an E.P.,
which can be found at http://soundcloud.com/victim-of-society
Popeye wasn’t their favorite comic book hero! But Pop music has always
been their passion, in 2005 Dimitris, Markos and Giannis decided to form
their own pop band and look at pop music through their own “pop eye”!
Just a couple of years later and with no recorded album yet, they
attracted Dimitris Papaspyropoulos’ (one of the most popular radio
producers in Greece) attention and their song “If You…” was included in the best selling compilation “Silent Wonder” compiled by Dimitris Papaspyropoulos.
That was enough to create a buzz around their name and just a bit later
their debut single “The Deepest Sea” was released by The Sound Of
Everything with remixes by GAD and a french-style re-work by The Flying
Silly Brothers. The single received massive support by the local indie
radio stations.
Their debut album “Pop Eye” came out by Shift Records in 2008, containing one more hit single called “That’s Life”.
In the next few years the band gave a series of successful live
performances in Greece (Athens Video Art Festival, Gagarin, Gyalino
Upstage, An Club, Soul Stereo, Braff Club, Khpos/Syxnothtes, City Bar,
European Music Day, BIOS, Art House, Partisan Bar, Stavros tou Notou).
Now they are preparing their second album. The first taste of it comes
with the single “Night Falls”. True to their pop origin Pop Eye deliver a
summer, cheerful song, likely to inspire warm feelings and smiles in
the listener. Definitely Unknown is the B-side but nonetheless with
equal radio potential. http://www.myspace.com/popeyegr
GardenBox started off in late 1998. Since then theyve been creating and
recording their music in their own studio, pursuing an orbit of constant
development. With a background of a few individual productions on
limited edition, they proceeded with their first official release in
2003 (PN22CD, self titled, POETA NEGRA RECORDS). Now, having just
released The Last Resort (VEIN002, Venerate Industries
their second official release, the band is gathering momentum for a
series of live shows. At the same time, and following a brake of two
weeks (sic), they have started working on new material. GardenBoxs music
aims at illustrating the sound of contemporary cityscapes. Through an
alternation of electronic and electric sound as the leading vehicle,
they attempt to outline the conditions of urban life. With their
resonating allusions to current trends of electronica and post rock,
they create a sound idiom that is individual, prolific and tence. The
compositions are vigorously intreaguing, featuring drastic transitions
and peaks. Their structure is at times dominated by layers of electronic
sounds and beats, at others by the circular unfolding of melodic
passages on guitar.http://www.gardenbox.org/
Aliens dressed like rock-stars
came along and talked to us:
“take our advice
since this spaceship
landed in your backyard”http://www.expert-medicine.com
Η Sugahspank! γεννήθηκε στον Πειραιά το 1982. Από τα 14 της χρόνια
ασχολείται με τη μουσική και το performance μέσω διαφόρων underground
σχημάτων, παίζοντας πολλά κ ετερόκλητα είδη μουσικής, από soul, funk και
hip hop μέχρι rock, blues, gospel, swing, experimental, rapcore και nu
metal, πάντα προσπαθώντας να πλησιάσει την πιο πειραματική πλευρά του
κάθε είδους.
Το 2004 τελείωσε τις σπουδές της στα
ΜΜΕ. Τότε σχηματίστηκαν οι Sugah Galore, η μπάντα που την ανέδειξε ως
μουσικό, και μέσα από πολυάριθμα live και φεστιβάλ το group τάραξε τα
νερά της underground Ελληνικής σκηνής. Το 2006 η Sugahspank! γνωρίστηκε
με τον Βlend aka Mishkin, αρχικά για να συμμετέχει στο album Misplaced. H
συνεργασία τους προχώρησε πολύ παραπέρα, αφού μερικούς μήνες αργότερα
και μαζί με τους Dj Palov και BnC σχημάτισαν την ανεξάρτητη δισκογραφική
εταιρεία Cast-a-Blast. Το label απέκτησε πολύ σύντομα καλή φήμη λόγω
των προσεγμένων κυκλοφοριών του σε reggae, hip hop & downtempo
ρυθμούς και σύντομα ήρθε η παγκόσμια διανομή από την M Connexion http://sugahspank.blogspot.com/
Nechayevschina were born after a failed jam in a failed studio. Its
members do not rehearse that often, and the only reason this page exists
is because of the need of some to get laid. Despite our name, we are
pure honey-bunnies and the only cruel thing we could be accused of is
voting for stalinists http://www.myspace.com/nechayevschina
Glory was a member of the band Couch Potatoes until their dissolution
in 2007. After that, she decided to start a solo project of hers, going
by the moniker “GloryBox”. Soon enough, she had her first works
uploaded in her myspace webpage and organizing her first solo gigs. In
2008 she compiled some of her recordings into CD, thus making it an
album of her works named Unzip My Ventilated View.
Near the end of 2009 she dropped the “GloryBox” moniker and adopted the present naming of “Gloire Carton”.
In her first live show performances she was always supported by her
friendly session members. Nalyssa Green and Tonti Prodnic are the most
On July 2010, Gloire Carton released their second album Stop poking
my balloon.From now on Gloire Carton won’t be a solo project but a
band.In this album Thieves(bass) and PoorMargo(keys) contributed.With
this line up they performed live several times around Athens. A couple
of months ago Tonti Prodnic(on the drums) joined the band. But due to a
health problem we couldn't play together anymore.
we are working on new stuff at the moment...
Οι drog_A_tek είναι ένα ελαστικό µουσικό σχήµα που αυτοπροσδιορίζεται σε κάθε
του συνάντηση· ένα ετερόκλητο αλλά και εκλεκτικό σύνολο αυτοσχεδιαστικής
αταξίας που δηµιουργήθηκε το 2001 στην Αθήνα, το οποίο ηχογραφεί στιγµές σε
πραγµατικό χρόνο και παράγει προσωρινά ηχητικά/ οπτικά περιβάλλοντα.
Χρησιµοποιεί, ακουστικά, ηλεκτρικά και ψηφιακά µουσικά όργανα,
γραφοµηχανές, τεχνολογικα σκουπίδια και αλλα αντικειµενα, συχνότητες, εικόνες,
ηχογραφηµένα αρχεία/τοπία µε τα οποία κατασκευάζει µικρές δηµόσιες
αποσπασµατικές αφηγήσεις. Οι drog_A_tek εξελίσσουν τις παραστάσεις τους
πέρα από κάθε κανόνα χρήσης των υλικών τους. Εκπέµπουν, αλλά και
λαµβάνουν, γνωστές/ άγνωστες διηγήσεις και εφήµερες επιθυµίες. Τυπώνουν
µουσική, αφίσες, stickers, γράφουν σε τοίχους και στο διαδίκτυο.
persons in a combination of different musical styles and influences
giving shape to songs that speak of love,hate, life, death, the absolute
truth and other lies... Alternative rock, post blues, post punk, post
container. http://soundcloud.com/bog-art
Kostas Nakopoulos, aka Darkon, is fast rising producer and DJ based in
Chios island, Greece. Having loved electronic music from a young age,
Darkon began producing in 2000, and released his first artist album,
titled "Stay With Me", in January 2008. Darkon quickly followed up with
his "Last Destination" album on Ocean Drive Records, and since then he
has released many tracks on a number of respected labels. In addition to a prolific producing output, Darkon hosts the "Progressive Vibes" radio show on Pirate.FM
Dark Souls Day were formed by Nikos and Pepi in 2004. Nikos is a
musician and he has been part of several groups. Music technology is his
passion and he owns a home studio where he records and produces
albums.One of his most important productions is the album "No Land For
Escape" by Laissez Faire. Pepi writes lyrics and helps with back vocals.
"Electrify" and "No time" were included in EKSOSTRAKIS
(THE EXILED) movie , which is a film by Nick Samaras (Crazy Greek
Productions). Soon "dark love" will be included in a new movie of Nick
Samaras,which is called CONSPIRACY OF BLOOD (Crazy Greek Productions).
At the present dark souls day are preparing their new album , which is
going to be released with new songs by subexistance productions.
Ekos Quartet Biography It was when ForTune gave some music
experimentations on classical and hip-hop sounds to The Ant, and he
immediately proposed him to form "something". After working together on
music and lyrics during 2004, Stelx joined them as a guitarist in 2005.
Not much later than that, the three of them found Eskimint, who had been
working on trip-hop vocals by herself. They formed Ekos
in November 2005, and recorded their first song, “Fortune’s lake”, in
January 2006 and they performed live for the first time in December 06.
During 2007, the band gave many live concerts and kept producing new
tracks. This opportunity gave them the courage and the inspiration to
start expanding their musical horizons, mixing downbeat, electronica,
funk, hip-hop, jazz breaks, post rock, classical samples and ambient
sounds, all based on a tripping background and mood. Their first release
was the song “Free with you” in “Concealed Truth” compilation by
Andrianos Papadeas (June 07). They also released 4 tracks in the
multi-ep part of the compilation "City Campers" a bit later. In 2008,
they have appeared as a quintet in some concerts, after the addititon of
George PapaG (bass), while Mandragora has been helping the band on
their live sound. They also completed the recordings of 13 songs in
"Silicon" studio. S-fx and Ekos have mixed their debut album, "In a
dream full of charm", while Bob Katz did the mastering. Ekos Quartet had
been working on this album until late 2008 (about to be released in
2009). Their aim is to achieve evolution, improvisation, experimentation
and originality through their musical journey, during which they can
express their emotions and talk about a world that can be more beautiful
and charming, rather than controllable.
“Formed in 2001, Misuse are considered by most as the definitive post-rock band in Greece.
And there is a good reason for this consideration: not only was their
debut album very well received by both critics and fans, but mainly
because Misuse never fail to deliver an outstanding live perfomance.
It is no suprise that they have been Mogwai’s constant pick in their greek tours and have shared th
e stage with acts such as: Silver Mt. Zion, Piano Magic, Cripple Black Phoenix and more...
People will not think Misuse is the definitive greek post-rock band
anymore. Not because they’re not. It’s because during the three years
after their debut, the band has been experimenting with new sounds,
textures and styles that push boundaries beyond the post-rock genre.
In their sophomore album, April, Misuse took a bold step towards new
sonic planes. However, no matter how far they went, they managed to
maintain the feel and the identity of the band.” - from spinalonga.net http://misuseband.com
Τον Ιούνη του 1992, ο B.D.Foxmoor (Μιχάλης
Μυτακίδης) μαζί με έναν Dj, ίδρυσε το πρώτο ελληνικό συγκρότημα hip hop
μουσικής, τους Active Member. O πυρήνας των ανθρώπων που πίστεψαν
στην προσπάθεια αυτή, οργανώθηκε καλύτερα και έτσι δημιουργήθηκε η
Freestyle Productions. Η Freestyle Productions ήταν από τότε, η ομάδα
παραγωγής μέσω της οποίας κυκλοφόρησαν ανεξάρτητα οι δύο πρώτοι δίσκοι
των Active Member, καθώς και άλλα δυο lp´s (ένας προσωπικός δίσκος του
B.D.Foxmoor και μια συλλογή με τα σχήματα που υπήρχαν τότε) και ένα maxi
Το 1995, η hip hop μουσική ήταν ακόμα σχεδόν
άγνωστη στην Eλλάδα. Εκείνη, λοιπόν, την εποχή οι Active Member
προσέλκυσαν το ενδιαφέρον των δισκογραφικών εταιριών στη διαρκεια
κάποιου live σ’ έναν μεγάλο συναυλιακό χώρο της Αθήνας. Οι στίχοι τους, η
σκηνική τους παρουσία και η επαφή τους με το κοινό έπαιξαν καθοριστικό
ρόλο. Έτσι, για πρώτη φορά στη χώρα, ένα συγκρότημα hip hop μουσικής,
υπέγραψε συμβόλαιο με μια πολυεθνική εταιρία, την Warner. Τα πράγματα
άρχισαν να παίρνουν το δρόμο τους και μέσα σε λίγους μήνες κυκλοφόρησε ο
τρίτος τους δίσκος με τίτλο «Το Μεγάλο Κόλπο», ο οποίος τους έκανε
ευρύτερα γνωστούς.
Σε εκείνο τον δίσκο, οι Active Member,
αποφάσισαν να κάνουν μια υπέρβαση και να βαφτίσουν ξανά το hip hop όπως
το αντιλαμβάνονταν μέχρι τότε αυτοί, και να το πουν Low Bap
Danger Angel is a hard rock band from Athens, Greece. The band was
formed in 2006 by Ethan Snow (guitars) and Spiros Foussekis (guitars),
both members of several small, local bands and private projects since
the early nineties. Mike Kasidakis is referenced as the original singer
and was replaced by Jimmy Cage in 2008 (left 2010), while Tony V.
(drums) and Rudy Rallis (bass) joined up in 2008 too. AHAS
took over the keyboards spot a while earlier in 2007, while vocalist
M.T. (vocals) joined the band in 2010, replacing Jimmy Cage. The band
agreed on a worldwide deal with American label Perris Records in August,
2009 and released their debut album in January 2010. Ethan Snow - Guitars
M.T. - Vocals
Rudy Rallis - Bass
Tony V. - Drums
AHAS - Keyboards
In April 2005 John, CV and Petros formed Afformance. Instrumental
soundscapes inspired by post rock, alternative, ambient and postcore
scenes, began to take form. Sometime later Dennis and Fotis completed
the line-up and the band started to rehearse, record and work on their
own music.
About Dirty Granny Tales
What happens when music brings puppets to life?
It’s when the Dirty Granny tells her stories…
This is not the sweet Grandma that will narrate a fairy tale for the
children in front of the fireplace. She is not the one to knit a woolen
scarf while the kitten cuddles on her feet.
This old woman is
dirty, releasing a rotting smell. You can’t define the gaze on her face,
because it’s absent, you can’t stand the timbre of her voice because
it’s piercing your brain with the strength of a thousand needles. Her
guise is freezing cold, makes you wonder if she belongs to your World.
What kind of stories would such a creature chronicle? Not the kind that
work as a lullaby…
The more repulsive her aura, the more you
become bewitched. What is that she is knitting with her nails? Would you
dare to try it on....... Mouldbreath - voices, guitars, mandolin
Worm eaten Vagus - bass, glockenspiel
Heartbeat Zero - percussion
Shake Teeth - piano
music and stories composed by Mouldbreath
D. stamou - puppets, performance.
E. dafermou - choreography, dance performance.
G.Gyrtatou - dance performance
Mouldbreath - animation
H. Loxas - Lyrics ("Inversed World", "Didi's Son", "Jealous")
I. Pavlopoulos - Lyrics ("Rejection")
Μέσα στα δύο χρόνια μουσικής ανακατωσούρας τους έχουν εμφανιστεί σε
Αρχιτεκτονική, Σταυρό του Νότου, ΚοοΚοο και όλες τις μεγάλες σκηνές της Ελλάδος
και στην Κύπρο!
Έχουν συνεργαστεί με Χρήστο Δάντη, Γιάννη Ζουγανέλη, Σοφία Βόσσου, Ζακ Στεφάνου,
Σπύρο Γραμμένο κ.α.!
Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει σε digital single την "Κρίση" και το "Φονικό"
και σύντομα θα κυκλοφορήσει και η πρώτη τους δισκογραφική δουλειά από
την Power Pop Music του Χρήστου Δάντη
Rosebleed are happy to officially announce their collaboration with S.a.G. Music Management.
S.a.G. music management is going to be our manager, booking agency and general representative from this day forward!!!...........Orestis-drums, Vassilis-voice/guitar, Yiannis-bass, Arthur-guitar, Danae-keys
Κάπου στα μέσα του 2010 και με αφορμή την παρουσίαση δίσκου των B-sides
μαζεύτηκαν οι τέσσερις τους για να παρουσιάσουν την ακυκλοφόρητη δουλειά
του Στάθη. Λίγους μήνες μετά , ηχογράφούν τα κομμάτια που θα
αποτελέσουν τον κορμό της επερχόμενης πρώτης κυκλοφορίας τους, σε
συνεργασία με τον Διονύση Μπάστα στο NoiseBox studio.
Με την αρχή του νέου έτους (23/1/2011) η μπάντα δίνει την πρώτη της
ως “Minor Project” πλέον, στο αγαπημένο τους Six D.O.G.S , το οποίο
στη συνέχεια αποτέλεσε την βασικότερη συναυλιακή τους εστία. Ακολούθησε
μια σειρά συναυλιών σε Αθήνα, Πάτρα,Χαλκίδα ,Καστοριά και άλλες πόλεις
της επαρχίας.
Λίγο αργότερα, τον Μάιο, ο παραγωγός του Μελωδία
99,2 Χρήστος Παπαμιχάλης κυκλοφόρει τη συλλογή Lost.Not.Found από την
EMI ,στην οποία συμπεριλαμβάνει το ακυκλοφόρητο μέχρι τότε “Great”.
Η πιο σημαντική ίσως εξέλιξη της μέχρι τώρα πορείας της μπάντας είναι
η ένταξή της στην οικογένεια της Αντέλμα και η απόφαση συνεργασίας με
το Στάθη Δρογώση για την κυκλοφορία του πρώτου ολοκληρωμένου άλμπουμ των
Ο δίσκος, με όνομα ‘In Colors’, διατίθεται πλέον από το
site της AntelmaMusic σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή είτε σε φυσική μορφή μέσω
Larry Gus
is a floweromantic musician – as a journalist has written, or a
computer systems’ engineer or just a 28-year-old guy, living with his
mom in his little home town in north Greece. Or then again, all of the
above. But, above all that, Larry Gus is my friend.
This is how Vasilis Katsoupis,
director of “My friend Larry Gus” wishes to approach the subject of his
documentary. Simply. Truthfully. Sincerely. The idea is to follow Larry
Gus in all the places that have formed his memories, music, his
sentimental overflows, his harsh cynisicm…
But, getting back to the beginning of this idea, what is the idea?
My friend Larry Gus is a fly on
the wall documentary, exploring the social aspect of one individual, in
this case Pananagiotis Melidis aka Larry Gus. The word larrygus in
greek means Larynx making his nick name a wonderful wordplay.
Ciccada is a progressive rock band from Athens -Greece. It was formed in
April 2005 by flutist Nicolas Nikolopoulos (who plays also the
keyboards) and fellow guitar player George Mouchos. Very soon after,
singer Evangelia Kozoni joined the duo and this is the core of the band
until today. The first line-up also included a bass and a cello players
and had one first gig in ARTIKA theater, while the brief
second (which lasted only one month and played twice under weird
conditions!!) saw the addition of a clarinet and a trumpet players as
well of a male singer.
In July 2009 Ciccada,with the addition of Omiros Komninos on bass, enter the studio to start recording.
From the smoky bars and shoddy clubs played on a weekly basis, to the
40,000 capacity Kalimarmaro Stadium as support act for European
superstar Sakis Rouvas, one could say that as a Greek live band Cabin 54
has seen it all.
The leap from their beloved stage to the
uncertain world of discography proved a large one however, as the boys
were torn between the music they felt they needed to make and that which
they were told was fit for the Greek market. That dilemma may have
slowed down but never threatened to stop Cabin 54
With the
songwriting skills of the band and the support of their always
enthusiastic fan base, that leap has finally been taken in grand style
with their new single, “It’s not easy” - a song that encompasses
everything that Cabin 54 is about without compromise; a rock attitude
with rhythmic swagger, hints of jazziness occasionally giving way to pop
sensibilities, all the while led by the soulful vocals of Antonis
Dominos whose lyrics are not afraid to tackle difficult issues head-on.
not easy” is the first step of what Cabin 54 will prove to be many. The
song’s video clip is expected in early September while the full
collection of originals will be out on CD by late fall. Until then, the
boys can be found moving the masses from the comfortable confines of
their second home – the stage. Chances are, they’re doing it at a smoky
bar (or stadium) near you.
Aasgard is from the ancient land called Hellas.The band was created at
the winter of 2006 by demon brothers Aethyr and Marrok.The music is
about the darkness the pagan culture and war.The inspiration is coming
from the glorified past of ancient Hellas and Hellenic Gods.The band is
against all the east religion
Electric Litany is a rock band was formed in the spring of 2007 in North London, England. The lineup consists of
Alexandros Miaris from Corfu, Greece - vocals, guitars, piano, synths
Richard Simic from Devonshire, England - drums, percussion, cretan lute
Duane Petrovich from Texas, USA - bass
Benjamin Prince - synths, piano.
The story of the band started, when Alexandros and Richard met in
London. Alexandros moved from Corfu to London, while Richard was leaving
Devonshire for London in search of forming a band of his own. Duane was
the last member to join the band, since he was found by Alex and
Richard through an ad.
Their first rehearsals were taking place in some pretty unusual places,
like abandoned and derelict buildings. Since the rehearsals saw
progress, they soon attended their first live concerts. Their first
demos were recorded in an old pub by the name “Fallen Angel” (that was
soon turned into an illegal studio, in need of a place for rehearsing).
Gypsy Swing band from Athens. We do concerts on our own or with Sugahspank! and Irene Dimopoulou.
Feel good Music
Swing Shoes ξεκίνησαν το 2006 με τον Άδωνι Γουλιέλμο και τον Γιώργο
Κούτρα σαν κιθαριστικό ντουέτο παίζοντας στο δρόμο ένα μίγμα από swing,
gypsy jazz, rock, gospel και παραδοσιακά ελληνικά κομμάτια.
Το σχήμα, περνώντας διάφορες φάσεις, πήρε τη σημερινή του μορφή με την
προσθήκη του μπασίστα Πάνου Τομαρά (The Earthbound), του Ανδρέα Σιγαλού
στο βιολί και του Νίκου Ζωγράφου στα κρουστά.
Adolf plays the jazz have nothing to do whatsoever with politics and fascism especially.
In essence, the band is formed in 2002, even though the first song
created under the name Adolf plays the jazz was created in 1998 (it’s
“Frank Zappa needs haircut”, which was later included in the Muzzle the
birds EP).
2005 marks the first official release, cognac or brandy ep. The style of
music is influenced by the post-rock scene, albeit with some cinematic
elements, which are made even more obvious through the use of samples or
movie dialogues.
Their music has always been distributed for
free and this will always be the case for Adolf plays the jazz. You can
download all our stuff for free at http://adolfplaysthejazz.weebly.com/
Next, Muzzle the birds EP is released, which is a compilatons of
previously unreleased songs written between 1998 and 2005 and in 2006
the first LP is released, titled Art Brokolo. It incorporates some
heavier and more progressive elements, with an ever-present cinematic
feel. During the same year, another compilation is released, featuring
songs from all previous releases. Its title is Another slice ? and was
handed out in the Red Sparowes concert in Athens that year.
2007 marks the release of Melt EP and day 4 | urban fiction part 1 which
are both part of a tribute to life in the city, the latter being the
first volume of a concept album, as suggested by its title. Melt EP
features a more electronic/trip hop song structure, with heavier use of
loops and samples.
Accra minoa is a post rock band formed in Katerini, Greece in 2001…
In the first four years they follow an alternative rock sound and from 2005 they exist as a post rock band with this lineup…
Giorgos Lanaras: Vocals, Guitars, Lyrics
Giannis Anagnostopoulos: Bass
Vassilis Lanaras: Keyboards, Vocals, Kaoss Pad
Giorgos Chrysostomou: Drums
Accra Minoa brought out their first EP “to create your favourite past” in March 2008
“A group of Crows” is the name of the one-man music project of Kostas
Barlas (born in Athens, Greece, early 1981). Music has been more than a
hobby for him so sometime during 2010, he took a bold step and decided
to go solo and release some of his songs online. The name of the project
has to do with his infatuation with crows.
“Murder” is the name of the first (demo) release and it was released on December 1st, 2010.
It contains mostly old songs and ideas (written around
2002-2003) but recorded under a new prism, aimed to reflect his current
music likes.
Monsieur Minimal (real name Christos Tsitroudis, in Greek: Χρήστος
Τσιτρούδης) is a music composer from Thessaloniki, Greece . Born and
raised in Giannitsa, Greece (a small city a few kilometers outside
Thessaloniki). He came up with the moniker of “Monsieur Minimal” wanting
to express himself through his music, simply and as a gentleman.
He became involved with music when he was 14, where he formed a band in
Giannitsa with child friends of his. This was his first step in
composing his own music. He started composing as “Monsieur Minimal”
though, since 2001, when he bought his first personal computer.
One of his first steps into becoming known,
was his participation in Coca-Cola Soundwave Festival in 2007, where he
was one of the most successful competitors with his songs “Silk” and
“Love is a Circle”. His song “Silk” was included in a compilation of
Coca-Cola Soundwave bands that was released with Greek press/magazine
The first official release of his songs, was through the compilation
“City Campers” by The Sound of Everything recordings. He was the artist
from the City Campers compilations that drawn the most attention. After
this all drawn attention and enthusiasm over his music, he was signed to
The Sound of Everything recordings.
He released his debut album Lollipop
in September 2008, which was an electronic release with indie pop
influences. The album was praised by media and press and had impressive
number of sells.
Modrec was formed in June 2001 in Athens by Dimitris Aronis
(guitar/vocals), Kostas Haliotis (drums) and Labis Kountourogiannis
(guitar/vocals) and were later joined by Giorgos Bouldis (2005) on the
bass. The band has performed in many venues around Greece and abroad
including Gagarin205 (2005, 2007, 2008) in Athens, REC music club in
Patras, and “The Fly” in London. Most of their live shows have received
enthusiastic reviews (Sonik music magazine, mixtape.gr etc ) and have
been broadcasted on national television several times.
Modrec have contributed songs to various compilations
including : “Civil Cinder Regalia” by Tobruk/Ektopia, “In the Junkyard
3” by Spinalonga records, “The approaching of the hour” (CD/DVD release)
by sonicplayground records.
They had their debut album released on March 27th by Spinalonga/Bantha
Records and are gearing up for greek tour in 2008 and 2009.
Their debut album “ART NAIVE” was recorded in Athens during the first
quarter of 2007 at fabliquid studios and was produced by the band with
Ottomo. Mixed by Alex Newport at Metropolitan Sound New York, and
mastered at Peerless Mastering, Boston, by Jeff Lipton and Maria Rice.
Modrec “Art Naive”
Release date: 27 March 2008
Label: Bantha Records & Spinalonga Records
Dr.Vodkatini were formed by a handful of musicians already playing in other bands.
All of them being fans of feel-good and groovy music they found
themselves jammimg endlessly in the studio and after a while they moved
their sessions on-stage of a few of the most famous live spots of
That was the time that other members joined the band and the sequence of
live performances increased rapidly for Dr. Vodkatini to become one of
the most frequently appearing live bands in the local music scene ever,
some of the most important festivals
(International Lounge Festival, European Music Day Festival, Earthdance, among others) included.
Nowadays their sound has been developed to become what is commonly known
as freestyle and raw groove or just feel-good-groove music as the band
prefers to label themselves.
Influenced by the soul music’s standards as set by Stevie Wonder or
Marvin Gaye and the latin feel of Tito Puente, implementing the
smoothness of Burt Bacharach and Donald Byrd together, Dr Vodkatini are
releasing 10 tracks that will make you party, sway, fall in love and all
that with a big smile on your face.
ΕΚΜΕΚ- μικρό βιογραφικό
H παρέα απο την Θεσσαλονίκη που κατάφερε
πατώντας στην ευφάνταστη διασκευή γνωστών τραγουδιών να καθιερωθεί πολύ
γρήγορα ως μια απο τις πιο δυναμικές και εξωστρεφείς προτάσεις στο live
στερέωμα, αλλά και να κοιτάξει με σοβαρότητα και ειλικρίνεια εντός για
να βρεί το πρωτότυπο υλικό που κυκλοφορεί στο πρώτο του άλμπουμ με τίτλο
«Γλυκαίνει και δεν παχαίνει»,(Lyra). Οι ΕΚΜΕΚ συνδύασαν
στην μουσική τους τις έθνικ τάσεις με τις καλύτερες πλευρές της
ελληνικής τραγουδοποιίας, το φρέσκο κλίμα της νέας γενιάς μουσικών με
την κριτική ματιά και το σχόλιο, την ενέργεια και το ρυθμό με τις
πνευματώδεις μπαλάντες, τις παιχνιδιάρικες μελωδίες με το βάθος και την
οξυδέρκεια του στίχου. Οι Αλέκος Σπανίδης (τύμπανα), Σάκης Ραπτόπουλος
(ακκορντεόν), Στέργιος Γιάννος (κοντραμπάσο), Γιώργος Αβραμίδης
(τρομπέτα), Αργύρης Κρομμύδας (ηλ.κιθάρα), Άλκης Κανίδης (φωνή,
κλ.κιθάρα) είναι οι ΕΚΜΕΚ και όταν τους πετύχετε στην πόλη σας κάντε τα
αδύνατα δυνατά να μην τους χάσετε!!!
Universal Trilogy is considered to be not only a pioneering musical
group but the oncoming power of Greek electronic music, as its members
have succeeded in a period of 13 years - with their 7 recordings and the
live appearances in Greece and abroad - to become part of a new
electronic music trend and at the same time to adjust all the features
of alternative dance music into their own musical philosophy.
Universal Trilogy meet the new decade with their album
Plus (+) where they have managed to filter their own philosophy into the
Rock & Pop culture of previous decades. Universal Trilogy group
consists of: Harris Proios ( P.X. HARRIS - bass + keyboards +
programming ) Theoharis Tsaousidis ( C.J. AOS - keyboards + sampling )
Kimonas Charalampous ( NOMIK - vocals ) Demosthenis Grivas (Bass )
Andreas Bozatzidis ( Guitar ) And the LIVE recordings are supplemented
by Nikos Koroneos -drums, And videos by Kexagias Vasilis DISCOGRAPHY
1995 - Global EP (Music Kitchen 12’’/4 tracks: Osmosis, I Can’t Take It,
Happy House, Heartbeat) 1996 - MultiMorphic (Music Kitchen LP - CD/10
tracks: Meaning of life (extended mix), X- Tasy, Check 2 the bass line,
meaning of life (radio mix), Lost illusions, Psalms of the sunrise,
Reverse of the day, We came we saw we kicked his ass